Cabbage is low in saturated fats and cholesterol, and it helps lower your bad cholesterol. It is an excellent source of:
-Calcium and fiber for stronger bones
-Vitamin A which is good for your skin and eyes
-Thiamin is good for the health of the heart and nervous system, and digestion
-Iron helps transport oxygen to our brains and cells
-Magnesium helps absorb calcium and makes teeth and bones stronger
-Phosphorus helps digestion of riboflavin and niacin. Also helps absorb calcium and makes teeth and bones stronger
-Vitamin C for a stronger immune system
-Vitamin K, helps your wounds heal faster and helps absorb calcium
-Vitamin B6 for your nervous system,
-Potassium which helps regulate your blood pressure and heart function
-Folate, for women helps keep an unborn child health, prevents cervical cancer, and for both genders prevents brain tumors, and cardiovascular problems
-Maganese which helps the metabolic, regulates blood sugar, immune function, calcium absorption
Other Benefits:
Helps people with breathing problems, helps with constipation, good for people suffering from frequent headaches, build strong bones, and lowering blood sugar.
How To Eat:
The most common way to eat is in a salad raw, but it can also be drunk in a juice form, and it can be steamed for a soup. To get the most benefits out of this powerful green is to eat it raw. If you decide to drink it make sure to do so within an hour of making it, because it loses its nutritional value. If you decide to steam don't over do it, make sure thats is semi-soft.